Bryan Lowe
Board Member
Position 3
Term Start: 2022
Term Expires: 2025
E-mail: blowe@wallerisd.netBryan Lowe is a lifelong resident of the Waller Independent School District and a 1967 graduate of Waller High School. He has served on the Waller Independent School District Board of Trustees since 1988. Mr. Lowe was nominated by the Board to serve as Board President in June 2014 through June 2016.
Mr. Lowe earned a Dairy Science degree from Texas A&M University in 1971, and he owned and operated a dairy in Hockley until 1993. He is now retired.
Mr. Lowe is married and the father of three children. He and his wife, Donna - also a 1967 Waller High School graduate - have one grandchild attending Waller ISD schools and one graduate of Waller High School. All three Lowe children are graduates of Waller High School. One son graduated from Sam Houston State, one son is a fireman, and their daughter graduated from Houston Baptist University and is an administrator at Waller ISD.
Mr. Lowe and his wife are active members of the Waller High School Boys Athletic Booster Club and the Waller Baptist Church where Mr. Lowe is a deacon and Treasurer of the congregation.