Peachjar Instructions for Outside Organizations/Businesses

  • Waller ISD values partnerships with community groups and organizations. The district collaborates with community organizations that sponsor educational/enrichment or recreational activities by allowing them to electronically distribute material that is deemed useful and constructive for student growth.

    We have contracted with Peachjar to provide electronic flyer delivery. We feel positive you’ll embrace Peachjar because sending flyers digitally saves time and money and enables you to reach parents effectively! With Peachjar, what used to take hours now takes minutes. Peachjar charges a fee that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school. View Peachjar pricing here. Outside community organizations are subject to a service fee when a flyer is posted to promote an activity or event with a participation fee. Peachjar's service fee also applies to activities that are held without charge, but may entice participants to join a fee-based program, or purchase products or services (e.g. a soccer league that offers free clinics). The fee may be waived when a local community organization is promoting a free event that does not entice participants to join a fee-based program, or purchase products or services. To learn about the community free program, please click here.

    To have your flyers distributed electronically you must register with Peachjar as a Program Provider and upload your flyer for distribution to the desired school(s). Paper flyers from outside organizations will no longer be distributed at our schools. To request flyer approval and have your flyer distributed, please follow these steps: 

    Once you receive confirmation that your flyer has been paid for and submitted through Peachjar, it will be routed to the appropriate district staff to review the material and approve or deny based on the Guidelines for Flyer Approval and Distribution.

    Flyers will be approved once a week. All flyers are required to be submitted at least one week before the event date. Once approved, you will be notified of your status change and your flyer will be emailed to requested email recipients and posted online. You may also view your flyer’s status by logging in to your Peachjar account and selecting “My Flyers”.

    More Information:

    If you have questions about getting started, please contact Peachjar by calling 877-402-1786 or email

  • Questions about Peachjar, contact:
    Waller ISD

    2214 Waller St.
    Waller, TX 77484
    Tel: 936.931.3685

    Tara Premo 
    Account Executive 
    858.997.2117 ext. 135

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