• Not many of us realize all that is taught throughout the Kindergarten year!
    Some of life’s most valuable lessons (honesty, integrity, courage), as well as, some of the simplest of tasks (walking in line, listening to a story, taking turns, sharing, tying shoes, buttoning and zipping clothes). Our Kindergarten program provides an abundance of modeling, along with interactive instruction and hands-on activities. We differentiate our instruction to address the needs of all children effectively. We provide multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn. We utilize these interactive lessons and activities across our curriculum: reading, writing, math, science, and social studies.
    Our Kindergarten program uses a Balanced Literacy approach throughout our curriculum. Thematic units are used to introduce science and social studies lessons. We incorporate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematical skills into these lessons. We show the children how real-world situations relate to their everyday learning.
    Workstations are developed to reinforce skills previously taught in all subject areas. The children learn to work together, share classroom manipulatives, express their ideas, and sometimes record a product. While the children are engaged in their workstations, the teacher is utilizing small group instruction to teach reading skills.

    Throughout the kindergarten day, we provide opportunities for the children to develop their learning through art, music, and free play. Singing, dancing, dramatizing, and drawing are times when literacy learning is happening. The children learn by being involved and what better way than to be engaged in hands-on math activities and science experiments!!
    Most children begin their first school experience in the kindergarten classroom. The Kindergarten Team hopes to build a solid foundation for each child to be successful throughout his/her school years. It is very rewarding to a teacher to hear children say they have found words in their books they can read or share a story they have written.