School Announcements
Waller ISD Announces E-Ticketing for Athletic Events
WISD is implementing a touchless e-Ticketing system for any WHS, WJH, and SJH athletic events.
Waller ISD News
Bulldogs Bike for Waller Junior High
Waller Junior High School held its 14th Annual Bulldog Bike Ride and Pancake Breakfast.
Junior High Bands Present “A Winter Festival”
The Schultz and Waller Junior High Bands took to the stage for their winter concert.
Students Inducted Into Waller Junior High Honor Society
WJH inducted 84 members into the National Junior Honor Society.
Waller High School Students Succeed at Waller County Fair
Waller ISD FFA students had huge success at the Waller County Fair.
Waller ISD Announces Clear Bag Policy for Athletic Events
Updated Athletic Rules and Clear Bag Policy for all athletic events at any WISD facility.
Waller ISD Name That Book Winners
Congratulations to WISD elementary and secondary district Name That Book winners!
Waller JH Student Competes in Rodeo Houston Art Contest
Over winter break Waller Junior High student Rebecca Gonzales received amazing news.
Waller JH Student Enters Math Challenge
One Waller Junior High student is taking her interest in math to another level.
Waller JH Wins in UIL One-Act Play
Congratulations to WJH students for receiving 11 individual and three team awards at the UIL One-Act Play competition.
Waller Junior High Gifts Kindness
Waller Junior High is encouraging its students to spread holiday spirit with a Gifts of Kindness challenge.
Student Links
Clever Login Page
Waller uses Clever as a single sign-on solution for the websites and apps we use. Sign on to Clever with your Google credentials. If a program asks you for a first time log in you will need to get your credentials from a teacher.