School Announcements
Congratulations New Turlington Elementary Principal Ashley Castellanos
Join us in congratulating Principal Ashley Castellanos!
Coming in 2024-2025: New Attendance Zones for Roberts Road & Turlington
WISD is excited to announce the opening of two new elementary schools in August 2024.
Waller ISD News
WISD Student Holiday Feb. 14 & 17
Friday, Feb. 14 and Monday, Feb. 17 are scheduled Waller ISD student holidays.
2025-2026 Waller ISD School Calendar Approved
The WISD Board of Trustees approved the 2025-2026 School Calendar.
Can’t Catch Kindergarten
As the holiday season draws near teachers across WISD are working to keep students actively engaged in learning.
Eckerman, Fletcher Recognized at Region 4 Principal Recognition Ceremony
WISD Principals Kristen Eckerman and Stephanie Fletcher were recognized by Education Service Center Region 4.
Fathers, Daughters Dance the Night Away
E. Turlington and Fields Store Elementary held father/daughter dances at their schools.
History Comes to Life at Turlington Elementary
TES fifth-grade students brought history to life in the school’s annual Wax Museum.
New! 2024-2025 Attendance Zones - Roberts Road & Turlington Elementary
Roberts Road Elementary and Turlington Elementary may be affected by new attendance zones for the 2024-2025 school year.
TES Educator Named Teacher of the Month by Chamber
Congratulations to TES Educator Alyson Adam-Faulkner!
TES Teacher’s Special Approach
TES Teacher Wanda Hill is passing her passion for learning to her pre-k class.
TES Tech in Action
Technology is constantly changing and advancing and with that, so is Waller ISD teaching and learning.